
How to Install Peel & Stick Wallpaper

How to install Peel & Stick Wallpaper

Our Peel & Stick wallpaper is a premium self-adhesive product that sticks to smooth walls without using paste. Not only is it pre-glued, removable, renter-friendly– it’s also easy to hang. Our Peel & Stick FABRIC Wallpaper is eco-friendly and has a matte textile look and feel. No shiny vinyl, no PVC, and no toxins – a clean revolution for your walls.


…yes, unless you use a specific product designed for installing peel and stick wallpaper on textured walls!

Preparing your walls for Peel & Stick FABRIC

  • Take your time to check that the surface is smooth. This is especially important for Peel & Stick as it’s not recommended to install any self-adhesive wallpaper to textured walls. If the wall has a light texture, orange peel, knockdown, or a rough surface, the Peel & Stick FABRIC wallpaper will not stick properly unless you use the EZ Hang Spray by Roman. A list of considerations based on your different textured walls can be found HERE.
  • Clean the surface with a warm mix of alcohol and water (1 ratio of water/3 ratios of alcohol) using as many cloth as needed. Discard the cloth once it’s been through a portion of your wall, you do not want to spread the chemicals, the idea is to remove them. Allow the walls to dry for at least 15 minutes after this cleaning process.
  • If the wall is freshly painted, it’s important to make sure that the paint has been cured & outgassed completely, this can take at least 6 weeks depending on the type of paint.

The day before installation

  • Take the wallpaper out of the package, unroll the wallpaper panels. (do not discard the documents, please read everything before starting your installation)
  • Identify each panel by the number at the back top and lay them flat on a clean space on your floor. Place them in order and make sure they match. If you see anything that doesn’t look correct, contact us ASAP. Then you’ll have them in the right hanging order the next day. 
    • Store the panels like this – flat (not rolled up) for at least 24 hours in the room where you intend to hang them. This will allow the wallpaper panels to straighten out and acclimatize to the humidity, which will make them adhere better to the wall. The acclimatization is also important to counteract shrinking which can lead to visible seams after installation.
    • Make sure you have the tools needed before you start.
    • You might need 4 hands for the installation, so unless you are some kind of Hindu God, please remember to con a friend or loved one into helping.

    Hanging Peel & Stick

    • All the panels are numbered in the order they should be hung, from left to right. When facing the wall, always start on the left-hand side with panel number 1. However, if your wall is sloped with the highest point being on the right-hand side, we recommend starting to the right and hanging the strips in reverse order.
    • The strips are supposed to be hung overlapped by about .4” edge.
    • Make sure the first panel is vertically straight.

    1. Hanging the first panel

    • Make sure you start with panel number 1. Facing the wall, start on your left-hand side.
    • Hanging the first wallpaper panel straight is important as it guides the following ones. Use a pencil to mark the width of the strip on the wall near the ceiling. Then use a plumb line or spirit level to draw a fine vertical line down the wall where the right-hand side of the panel should be placed. The line will help you get that first one straight.
    • Line up the first panel along the pencil line. IMPORTANT: If you have added a safety margin to your measurements on ordering, make sure that you center the panel on the wall vertically so that you have an equal amount of margin at the ceiling and the floor. (Example: If you have added a 3-inch margin, make sure to have 1.5″ stick out at the top and 1.5″ stick out at the bottom). By doing so, you have some extra margin if the ceiling or floor is sloped.
    • Starting from the top of the wall, peel the paper from the backing about 10 inches at a time and apply the wallpaper to the wall before you unpeel the next part. Do not remove all the backing paper at once. Work your way downwards and smooth the paper with your hands as you go. Find your way, we recommend smoothing from the middle and outwards to the edges of the strip to swipe away any air bubbles.

    2. Hanging the remaining panels

    • Hang the next strip to the right of the previous one and match up the pattern respecting the overlap mentioned.
    • If your panel is not perfectly positioned, don’t worry, you can carefully unstick the panel and reposition it again. This technique is much easier if you use the EZ Hang Spray as recommended.
    • Smooth out air bubbles along the way. Use your hands, a wallpaper brush, or plastic smoother.

    3. Cutting the excess paper



  • Once all panels have been hung and are firmly stuck to the wall, trim away any excess paper along the ceiling and the floor. Make sure to use a sharp wallpaper knife with a fresh blade to avoid tearing the paper!

    • Nice work, you’re done! Enjoy your new wall and please share the results with us!

    When to choose Peel & Stick

    • Renter-friendly. If you live in a rental and your landlord doesn’t want you to put up regular wallpaper, Peel & Stick is the perfect solution.
    • Temporary installations. If the installation is only for a limited time, like for an event or in a kids’ room where you’d like to change the motif more often, Peel & Stick is the way to go.
    • Small areas. If you have a small single wall or a feature wall, Peel & Stick is the perfect option.

    When not to choose Peel & Stick

    • Textured walls. If you have textured walls and don’t intend to use the EZ Hang Spray recommended, we recommend using non-woven instead. (Prepasted or Unpasted)
    • Permanent installation. If it’s for a permanent installation or in a commercial setting with a somewhat higher degree of wear and tear, we recommend choosing non-woven. (Prepasted or Unpasted)
    • Varying humidity. Peel & Stick is not suitable in rooms with significant temperature changes or varying humidity, such as bathrooms with showers.